Our knowledge of both industry and technology allows us to provide our customers with effective solutions. We offer off-the-shelf products as well as modifications and completely new solutions. Established small producers who was ready to sell his product to a wider market. Every company is unique in its needs and requirements. Our programs are designed to answer these unique needs with little or no modification. You can read more about Food Label System features and benefits here.

Case Study: Print on Demand using the Food Label Application.


  • Reduce label printing costs
  • Reduce number of labels needing to store in inventory
  • Allow additional products to be created and tested without increasing labeling costs
  • Allow private labeling
  • User Friendly


Provided company with our Food Label system. The program hold all product information.

All product labels were analyzed and grouped by design and size. As a result of the analysis it was determined that only two label templates needed to be created. These templates covered all needed sizes for all products.

Our design team together with our programmers, created the label templates, effectively reducing the number of labels from 80 (two sizes for 40 different products) to 2.

The labels were designed to pull all needed information as well additional user fields - unique to each label template.

All needed FDA required information was incorporated where appropriate.

The system was installed in only 30 minutes. All employees were trained and started using the Food Label system immediately.


The company now estimates that it saves every year hundreds of man hours and several thousand dollars in label printing, design and modifications.

The owner reported increased sales (25%) due to private labeling and the ability to introduce new products without increasing costs.